Tuesday, 5 August 2014

South African style and subcultures

South African style and subcultures


Kwaito has been the sound of South Africa which is known to be the urban “mix masala” of the South African music genres as well as the western house music including hip hop. It defines the generation that came to being right after the apartheid era.  Just like hip hop evolved in America, kwaito had also moved to the mainstream from their cultural basement. This happening enabled black youngsters to gain financial opportunities, which was something their parents could not support them with.  Yet today they are big pop stars of our rainbow nation, contributing to society and influencing cultures as well as the economy in ways that were impossible in the past.

Images describing Kwaito

Kwaito gave an important part of the country’s youth a voice, as well as a variation of icons to celebrate. Kwaito’s biggest achievement was to create a productive foundation for a South African vernacular idiom. Kwaito has helped made many campaigns possible, they are as follows: Vodacom’s “Yebo yes” advertising campaign, castle lager’s carwash advert as well as MTN’s latest “sms a fela” ( just sms) campaign.
Kwaito are strongly epitomized by the look and feel of the culture, by means of how they dress and the different dances they perform unifies it as a whole.  


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